Social, Health, and Interdisciplinary Psychophysiology Lab
Our research addresses the ways in which social, cognitive, and affective factors influence people’s physical health. This includes work on self-concept, identity, and stigma, the cognitive processing of these factors via attention and memory, and their effects on threat reactivity, stress, and anxiety. The impact of these processes on physical health and disease is conceptualized in terms of mechanisms involving maladaptive cardiovascular activity, health-related action and inaction, and poor mental health. Our methods include both experimentation and statistical modeling; measures reflecting autonomic influences on the heart and vascular system and electrocortical activity; behavioral assessments via cognitive tasks and self-monitoring; and computational methods including data mining and text analysis.

Spring, 2022
​​Patrick Barnwell passed the Qualifying Exam
Jake Rattigan (with co-authors Patrick Barnwell and Richard Contrada) received the 2022 Psi Chi Eastern Psychological Association Regional Research Award
Erick Fedorenko matched at Brown where he will go on internship
Fall, 2021
Willy Coleman's Master's Proposal was approved
Jake Rattigan received the Alice M. and Walter F. Phillip’s Award for the Outstanding Honors Thesis Proposal
Summer, 2021
Caitlin Bronson's Dissertation Proposal was approved
Jake Rattigan was awarded a Dorothy and David Cooper Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Spring, 2021
Patrick Barnwell received the Rutgers Social Psychology Doctoral Award for Research Excellence
Caitlin Bronson received the Rutgers Social Psychology Doctoral Student Award for Research Excellence
Caitlin Bronson received the Rutgers Social Psychology Doctoral Student Award for Teaching Excellence
Willy Coleman received the Rutgers Social Psychology Doctoral Student Award for Service Excellence
Fall, 2020
Prof. Contrada posted a guest blog at Psychology Today
Patrick Barnwell defended his Master's Thesis (9/15/20)
Summer, 2020
Vinny and Caitlin's paper on stereotypes of the childless-by-choice accepted for publication in Men and Masculinities
Prof. Contrada received the Society for Health Psychology (APA Division 38) Excellence in Health Psychology Mentoring Award